Essensimo chords by Sore Guitar Chords

Essensimo chords by Sore Guitar Chords

F Bb 4X

F Bb Am C
You say Going under Not to clever In these days where life surrounds us
F Bb Am C
You fret to surrender To a lesser pacifiying soul invader

F Bb Am C
Everybody stays in one place It takes to know one Avoid the wrong ones
F Bb Am C
Serene fore the life to convey It breaks to hold one If one desires to’ve sold the fire whole

Am Bb Gm C
Save it, and crave it It fortifies the one desire
Bb Gm C
To hack it and to savor it To elope

[Back to Intro]
F Bb Am C 4X

F Am Bb Gm
F Am Bb Gm C

Am Bb Gm C
Save it, and crave it It fortifies the one desire
Am Bb Gm C
And have it, well damn it It glorifies the one desire
Bb Gm C
To live in one delusion, to elope

F Bb Am C
Everybody stays in one place It takes to know one Avoid the wrong ones
F Bb Am C
Serene fore the life to convey It breaks to hold one If one desires to’ve sold the fire whole


F Bb Am C
You say Going under Not to clever In these days where life surrounds us

7 years ago

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