I Will Follow Thee Chords Guitar Chords Praise Song
[Verse 1]
F C A#
I will fol-low Thee, my Sav-ior,
A# F
Where-so-e'er my lot may be.
F C A#
Where thou go-est I will fol-low;
A# F C F
Yes, my Lord, I'll fol-low Thee.
I will fol-low Thee, my Sav-iour,
F A# F C
Thou didst shed Thy blood for me;
C F C A#
And though all men should for-sake Thee;
A# F C F
By Thy grace I'll fol-low Thee.
[Verse 2]
F C A#
Though the road be rough and thorn-y,
A# F
Track-less as the foam-ing sea,
F C A#
Thou hast trod this way be-fore me,
A# F C F
And I'll glad-ly fol-low Thee.
I will fol-low Thee, my Sav-iour,
F A# F C
Thou didst shed Thy blood for me;
C F C A#
And though all men should for-sake Thee;
A# F C F
By Thy grace I'll fol-low Thee.
[Verse 3]
F C A#
Though I meet with trib-u-la-tions,
A# F
Sore-ly tempt-ed though I be;
F C A#
I re-mem-ber Thou wast tempt-ed,
A# F C F
And re-joice to fol-low Thee.
I will fol-low Thee, my Sav-iour,
F A# F C
Thou didst shed Thy blood for me;
C F C A#
And though all men should for-sake Thee;
A# F C F
By Thy grace I'll fol-low Thee.
[Verse 4]
F C A#
Though Thou lead-est me through af-flict-tion,
A# F
Poor, for-sak-en though I be;
F C A#
Thou wast des-ti-tute, af-flic-ted,
A# F C F
And I on-ly fol-low Thee.
I will fol-low Thee, my Sav-iour,
F A# F C
Thou didst shed Thy blood for me;
C F C A#
And though all men should for-sake Thee;
A# F C F
By Thy grace I'll fol-low Thee.
[Verse 5]
F C A#
Though to Jor-dan's rol-ling bil-lows,
A# F
Cold and deep, Thou lead-est me,
F C A#
Thou hast crossed the waves be-fore me,
A# F C F
And I still will fol-low Thee.
I will fol-low Thee, my Sav-iour,
F A# F C
Thou didst shed Thy blood for me;
C F C A#
And though all men should for-sake Thee;
A# F C F
By Thy grace I'll fol-low Thee.
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