Dirty Sheets by Sad Cops Guitar Chords by Sad Cops

Dirty Sheets by Sad Cops Guitar Chords

Bm7 Bm7/A D Gmaj7 x2

Bm7 Bm7/A D Gmaj7
You’re a glass half full kind of gal and now you’re gallivanting around
Bm7 Bm7/A D Gmaj7
Pushing your piety on everyone else, paying your souls’ mortgage after the banks all fell
Bm7 Bm7/A D Gmaj7
You worship those crystals and think that heaven’s just a ragged house
Bm7 Bm7/A D
Honey let me tell you something about hell, it’s not just dirty sheets in a run down motel

Bm7 Bm7/A
It’s not just dirty sheets in a run down motel
D Gmaj7
It’s your final resting place and your holding cell
Bm7 Bm7/A
It’s the burning on your hand from table salt and ice
D Gmaj7 A5 D/B
It’s the sight of love fleeting from your girlfriend’s eyes
Gmaj7 A5 D/B |
Stop telling me | x3
Gmaj7 A5 D/B |
“It’s on the inside” __|

Gmaj7 A5 D/B Gmaj7
Stop telling me

Bm7 Bm7/A D Gmaj7 x2

It’s not just dirty sheets in a run down motel |
It’s not just dirty sheets in a run down motel | rhythmic scratching
It’s not just dirty sheets in a run down motel |
It’s your final resting place and your holding cell _|

Bm7 Bm7/A
It’s not just dirty sheets in a run down motel
D Gmaj7
It’s your final resting place and your holding cell
Bm7 Bm7/A
It’s the burning on your hand from table salt and ice
D Gmaj7
It’s the sight of love fleeting from your girlfriend’s eyes

Bm A
Your self righteous lover doesn’t want you like I do
And your great great grandfather doesn’t need you like I do
Bm A
You don’t want a husband honey I need a wife
D G/D A5 D/B
You don’t care about me but you’re my whole life

Gmaj7 A5 D/B
Stop telling me
Gmaj7 A5 D/B
“It’s on the inside”

Gmaj7 A5 D/B Gmaj7
Stop telling me

7 years ago

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