Erase by They Might Be Giants Guitar Chords

Erase by They Might Be (G )iants (G )uitar (C )hords

[Verse 1]
       (G )      (G )     (G )     (G )       (G )        (G )   ((Dmaj )maj6 )  (G )
You and I will be together when we shed our memory
       (G )       (G )      (G )       (G )      (G )      (G )    ((Dmaj )maj6 )   (G )
I won't wear an orange sweater when I get it off of me
         (G )     (G )       (G )     (G )      (G )         (G )     ((Dmaj )maj6 )      (G )
When it's as it someday is it always will have been the case
         (G )    (G )         (G )      (G )         (G )      (G )       ((Dmaj )maj6 )   (G ) 
When your ever-searching finger finds the button marked erase

[(C )horus]
(C )                              (G )  * x5 
Finger find the button marked erase
(C )                             (Amin )         (Dmaj )
Like a deep sea diver falling into a mermaid's embrace

[Verse 2]
 * x2 
    (G )       (G )          (G )         (G )          (G )             (G )             ((Dmaj )maj6 )        (G )
Put one box on the sidewalk then you return with the next and the first one's gone
     (G )        (G )          (G )           (G )              (G )           (G )       ((Dmaj )maj6 )    (G )
Everyone gets on the bus out of town and the lights start going out one by one

   Em  Em     Em Em (C )
Button marked eraaaaase
     (G )                (Amin )
When darlings must be murdered
          (C )              (Dmaj )
When your heartbreak overwhelms your heart

[Verse 3]
 * x2 
        (G )       (G )       (G )        (G )           (G )     (G )     ((Dmaj )maj6 )      (G )
Think of this as solving problems that should never have occurred
            (G )       (G )       (G )      (G )        (G )       (G )  ((Dmaj )maj6 )     (G )
Please don't call it strangu-lation, that is such an ugly word

[(C )horus]
(C )                               (G )  * x5 
Press erase, ignore the shrill alarms
(C )                              (Amin )             (Dmaj )
See the way the deep sea diver falls into the mermaid's arms

[Verse 4]
 * x2 
    (G )       (G )          (G )         (G )          (G )             (G )             ((Dmaj )maj6 )        (G )
Put one box on the sidewalk then you return with the next and the first one's gone
     (G )        (G )          (G )           (G )              (G )           (G )       ((Dmaj )maj6 )    (G )
Everyone gets on the bus out of town and the lights start going out one by one


   Em  Em     Em Em (C )
Button marked eraaaaase
     (G )                (Amin )
When darlings must be murdered
          (C )              (Dmaj )
When your heartbreak overrides the very

N.(C ).  Em  Em Em  Em  (C )  
Thing you cannot faaaace
    (G )              (Amin )
The skeletons that won't stay down
    (C )               (Dmaj )
The mercy kill that can't be drowned

[Verse 5]
   (G )     (G )          (G )      (G )         (G )      (G )        ((Dmaj )maj6 )      (G )
Put   box   sidewalk   then    return   next   first one gone
        (G )    (G )     (G )     (G )        (G )     (G )      ((Dmaj )maj6 )    (G )
Everyone   on   bus   out   lights   out   one by one

[(C )horus]
(C )                              (G )  * x5 
Finger find the button marked erase
(C )                             (Amin )        (Dmaj )
Like a deep sea diver falling into a mermaid's embrace

[Verse 6]
 * x2
    (G )       (G )          (G )         (G )          (G )             (G )             ((Dmaj )maj6 )        (G )
Put one box on the sidewalk then you return with the next and the first one's gone
     (G )        (G )          (G )           (G )              (G )           (G )       ((Dmaj )maj6 )    (G )
Everyone gets on the bus out of town and the lights start going out one by one


| * Main Riff



7 years ago

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