Survivor by Alan Cox Guitar Chords by Alan Cox

Survivor by Alan Cox Guitar Chords

[Verse 1]
Gm Eb Bb
I fought my battles in the rain yesterday
Gm Eb Bb
I fought the lions in my cage
Gm Eb Bb
But do you see me lying down in defeat
Gm Eb Bb
No, no, no you don’t
Gm Eb Bb
Have you ever wondered why people don’t give up
Gm Eb Bb
Have you ever seen me cry when the storm won’t let up
Gm Eb Bb
Does it ever make a difference whether or not
Gm Eb Bb
They know that the war is not lost

Gm Eb Bb
So when the storms of life try to take me over
Gm Eb Bb
You can tell them that I said

N.C. Bb Eb2 Bb
Tell them that I’m a survivor, a fighter, alive
Bb Eb2 Bb
And I’m ready to face tomorrow, a new man

[Verse 2]
Gm Eb Bb Gm Eb Bb
When the current tried to sweep me away I said, “God please hold me firm”
Gm Eb Bb Gm Eb Bb
When the waters tried to cover me I wasn’t about to drown

Gm Eb Bb
So when the storms of life try to take me over
Gm Eb Bb
You can tell them that I said

N.C. Bb Eb2 Bb
Tell them that I’m a survivor, a fighter, alive
Bb Eb2 Bb
And I’m ready to face tomorrow, a new man

Eb2 Eb F
I know I’ve been knocked down onto my face
Slammed down onto the ground
Eb F
And in my lowest points
You could hear me crying out
Eb F Bb
But then God said, “Son, it’s not over yet”

[Chorus 2]
Bb Gm Eb2 Bb
Tell them that I’m a survivor, a fighter, alive
Gm Eb2 Bb
And I’m ready to face tomorrow, a new man

7 years ago

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