You Aint Heard Nothin Yet by Daryle Singletary Guitar Chords

You Aint Heard Nothin Yet by Daryle Singletary Guitar Chords

On a park bench
                    C                  G
The old man sat and stared into yester day
I sat down beside him
     C                            D
Said "Thank God for this quiet pl ace
Between the wife and the kids
The TV and the phone
                 G                      C
It seems there's something always going on"
        G                         D
He said "son if you think this is quiet
You should follow me home"

       G                       C
"Cause you ain't heard nothing yet
                       D             G
'Til you've lived in a house by your self
When silence is all you've got left
       A7                           D
In the rooms where your babies have slept
   G              G/F
So don't wish for something
G/E        G/D#
You will re gret
       G               D       G
'Cause you ain't heard nothin' yet"

Key Change

The old man kept talkin'
         C#                      G#
Paintin' pictures from his memor ies
Did he drag out his past for him self
Or was it for me
His eyes came alive
He spoke of dancin' with his wife
            G#                       C#
And playin' ball with his two little boys
He said, "son
               D#                    G#
What I hear is music you're callin' noise"

       G#                      C#
"Cause you ain't heard nothing yet
                       D#             G#
'Til you've lived in a house by your self
When silence is all you've got left
       A#7                           D#
In the rooms where your babies have slept
   G#             G#/F#
So don't wish for something
G#/F        G#/E
You will re gret
       G#              D#       G#
'Cause you ain't heard nothin' yet"

      G#          G#/F#
We'll all rest in peace
   G#/F         G#/E
On that you can bet
       G#              D#
'Cause you ain't heard nothin' (No Chord) yet
7 years ago

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